I ended up eating well, 7. Which feels shameful. From tomorrow... I'm getting back to my weight loss goal. I'll see if not eating sugar will help my skin.
*My coffee ran out at my work. I won't be still drinking 3 cups a day. I'll be free.
*While ago, I saw internet people talking about your natural face being in. Own, personal "natural beauty" meaning rejection of plastic surgery. But in reality, it isn't. One I watched actually twisted that to claim "more skincare". Probably because it's point of no return for women who did fall victims of these butchers. Ones who mostly fall on this trend content. You can't fix back something you cut off. There are too many young women who thought that showing picture of a woman, who had her face at age of 18 made into caricature of Carla Bruni, is a good idea. Now, that woman they want to copy badly regrets it. Her nose wasn't even that big.
I'm fine with reconstructive surgery, which some people need. If you have a crooked nose and it makes your breathing worse, rhinoplasty will change a lot. I'm anti elective plastic surgery but I know what pushes these women to want it. Even to become addicted to it. I myself used to believe that I need "fixing". I don't think that I need that, anymore.