monday, 09th september

1. I'm still feeling bloated and I feel disgusting after ingesting so much of junk and processed food. After eating a salad with garlic sauce my acid reflux played up and it was terrible. I hate bought, processed sauces... I never had it being so annoying when I ate something with homemade sauce.

2. Ended up hatereading Rian Phin's xitter and I wish I didn't. Turns out Sandy Liang (I never will get her appeal and her clothing is often fucking polyester and this aesthetic is tiresome) had pink frosted lipstick on models at her recent show and now it's over. Cookie cutter fashion types will jump on shimmery light lipstick ugh and I hate it kek, I was into it way back before and I didn't get my perfect shade until few months ago, because it's hard to find metallic/pearl lipstick anymore. I doubt it will become a big trend because zoomers are scared of bullet lipsticks and honestly... liquid stuff isn't the same, it isn't the effect that was big back then. Now I kinda want to try coral frosted lipstick haha, I wanted pink but I felt it will look off on me so I went with beige.

2.1 I have my issues with Rian and entire hftwt circlejerk but I like that she actually reads old fashion journalism and studies it. I remember she did collect it on some blog she had, the links to these archival articles. Her writing style in longer pieces is really nice and I wish she did more of fashion writing because even with her internet brainrot, she's writing in more interesting way than anyone else. I like her more than similar known fashion/culture people who make rounds and do this fashion/culture writing/analysis/vlogging like Mina Le who makes 30 minute video to say things that could be said in 5 minutes or the biggest hack fraud R*yne F*sher Q*ann who scammed her way in and she can't even write. I always felt these people really kinda show off that they wish magazines still has same impact on everything like they did before, the nostalgia and longing for earlier time. Like... "I wish I was a fashion magazine editor in [insert decade]".

3. I got own copy of William Gibson's Idoru because they didn't have it at my local library. The cover of original, late 90s translation, is really cute... I always wanted to read some of his 90s and 00s works as they felt as this more grounded sci-fi/cyberpunk from what I knew. Pattern Recognition was actually the first novel by him that interested me due to main character being a cool hunter which is such 00s thing actually. I need to ease myself back into reading and I still want to find books to read using old magazines. It's fun.

4. I noted down a list of things I want to do, start doing and what I need to change. I need to add some more things to this list and I might keep make a page for it...

5. In the end I'm satisfied with my current place. I might visit these big cities and interesting places once in a while, but I don't want to live here. Big cities change so many people, some cities have population that is evil. I talked with Orin and Warsawians are like Milanese people... evil. It came from our conversation about bullying vintage resellers. I told one of most annoying resellers in my country that they have no right to whine about Shein in thrift stores when they buy up all nice things, leave nothing with people with actual jobs who come in later, and sell them for 10-30x more... The fucking old H&M linen dress for price they asked was ridiculous, so I mentioned that for this you can sew two new dresses from locally produced linen if you can. It hit them in the right spot that these rich kids got mad and turned off comments on that ig post. It was hilarious. They were this type of people who didn't let out Vetements/Lotta Volkova yet and mix it with newer terminally online trends, the annoying rich fashion kids that congregate in the capital. It's why fashion publications suck in my country, it's either Millennial women who got into industry in late 00s and never will leave and treat zoomers like pets or people who didn't move on from Vetements yet running them. It's so bad.

I additionally told some defender of other vintage reseller I bullied that resale isn't a real job. If you can thrift so often, early on, you are either a rich kid studying for a bullshit degree or is in art school or bored housewife with rich husband/family because you have so much of free time for it. I wish I could find nice things later because unfortunately I don't have luxury of not working full time like they do.