friday, 23th august

I feel slightly better. I'm unfortunately plagued with constant mood swings and my feelings and emotions are confusing.


The girl who came in for seasonal job at my work quit just after a week and I'll have to take on her duties... I'm tired but at least I won't have to do things I hate and I'll be paid more at least. Staying until 19:00 daily, ugh. I can't wait until it ends.


Yesterday I received another S3 which turned out to be dark grey, it kinda does look like S4. I took it today with me, I managed to take some photos I liked. I want to have this freedom to go take photos when it's getting dark. I want to do long exposure photography on both old digital and film... I need to find my tripod.


I bought some new colored pencils, they are really soft but I need to sharpen them. I want to make myself draw again, draw things I actually enjoy.


Today I saw my old online friend active on one social media site. I didn't talk to her in ages but I wanted to know if she does have contact with one old mutual friend, who wasn't active much on social media or her site for a while... I ended up going to check her social media again and now she's falling on her health. I knew she did have health problems but I wasn't aware how bad it got. I feel weird about this now. I didn't talk to both of them for years...


My bedroom is still clean. I make my bed every morning now. I take out things and put them in their place in the other room... But I still need to clean this other room.