tuesday, 21th may

Today for a first time in a while I carried one of my cameras with me. I used to do it more often though since I bought myself zoomer y2k meme small bag I don't have that much of space for one, yet they neatly fit in in one side where I have some empty space which wasn't taken by my phone/wallet/calendar. I don't want to take random photos of same things now and somehow I managed to do that today? I didn't bring back that many photos at all, just around 12 compared to usual 50-70 from one walk.

Later today when I came back home I saw my neighbor's cat in the garden which was an unsual sight. He got a completely black sphynx and knowing they are expensive I thought it ran away? I went to ask and turns out it's a girl and they didn't really buy her.I think it was one of rescued cats from Ukraine, from some breeder, based on what he told me. There were cases of Ukrainians leaving even purebreed cats over here behind, I think these sphynxes ended up first in biggest vet clinic in the city and his wife (who works here) got her here. Ms. B, the local dressmaker, got her thai cat in somewhat similar way. Some Ukrainian woman left her behind in nearby motel because she didn't sterilize that cat and she had kittens. I don't understand this at all as these people who owned them were definitely well off by even our standards so I'd except them to rehome their pets here than abandon them.